Zone among us help

I have this system for among us. At the beginning of the game, everyone gets assigned a team. Team 2 for imposters, and 5 for crewmates. That number is put into a player-scoped number property for later. During the meeting, players are switched to team 6 and tagging is turned on to prevent 2 people from one slot. When someone is killed with a laser, the meeting ends and everyone gets switched back the their team by broadcasting on “set team” + the property. Then, people are teleported to a room. How would I do this? I have been trying a lot, but can’t figure it out. Please help.
Edit: The meeting takes place in a room you get to by being respawned.

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How would you teleport everyone to the room? What question are you asking?

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With a teleporter. I want a full working system for it. Preferably one that takes a little memory.


You can use a knock out manager so when a person is killed, it triggers a zone to active and the teleporter to teleport players back to the main game area. If this is what you are asking.

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For the player scoped property, you could do:

Lifecycle → relay (random) → team switcher (2)

then do:

whatever starts this → relay (all) → item granter linked to IIM linked to property.

put this in the block code:

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But then, when they get their team switched, they will respawn and have their team switched back to team 6.


You might just have to make it to were several zones are used and only certain teams can be in them, and then use so when a person in a certain area dies, all others will spawn in the main area. That should prevent them form switching teams.

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I could switch around the teleporters and spawn pads. I guess I’ll just use triggers instead so that it is simpler.


The only issue with spawn pads, is some people will spawn there when you start the game.

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I use a 1-second wire repeater. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


That might work, well you never know unless you do, so when you get a chance, try.

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