Yall look at this please why me

U should post this on the wix, this site is more for map creation help and bugs…

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So was your map griefed?


Yep looks like it was griefed, this is not a post for the forum its for the wix, but next time make sure you keep you editing for others off.


U should make sure that the people on the map, are people you trust, so u don’t get greifed easily

we help with map making this is not a place to complain about griefers

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Screenshot 2024-02-20 10.31.17 AM

wait what
I have seen many posts like this…
So that’s what I thought

this is off-topic, please move this conversation to the admins of the wix, they will help you. Tell cassius or hat that you were sent from the forum


For instances like this, the only advice I can give is to be more careful with who you share the map code with and start rebuilding the map. If this was on the wix, be even more careful, I believe there is a griefer on there. And maybe tell the wix admins about this, although I believe there is a disclaimer saying that the wix cannot help with griefers/trollers, as they cannot prove who it is.


you can let others j0in your map but only let people you trust to edit
please mark a solution this is off-topic and there is nothing we can do

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Also next time turn off the removing thing in the perms


@Seven_Seas can you look at these please

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Y’d you unmark your solution? And @Seven_Seas did see this

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because i need @Seven_Seas

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dude I replied to ur posts in groupchat and code sharing go check,
and also please mark a solution

Wait, what is this topic about?
This is quite off topic…

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they got griefed there map

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about someone getting griefed, but its fine now… I think?

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