X and O switching in Tic Tac Toe

How do I make it so that when you place an x the next tile you place is an o

You could use buttons, if a button is pressed it permanently deactivates the button on the same tile, and it also deactivates all the X buttons on the other tiles so the next button is a O, then just rinse and repeat. You can use channels to detect when a button is pressed and have that channel turn the others off. Also use text for the X and O

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can I do it only using one layer of buttons? I’m making a board game map and running low on memory.

I don’t think so, let me check the search stuff

Theirs this but you can just turn the flags to text if you want, also can I make a Tic Tac Toe game on mine that people can play while they wait for the host to start?

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ive already read that and it doesn’t have a switching tile mechanic and asks the player which one to place. It also doesn’t have an automatic checker to see whether a three in a row has been made but I don’t need help with that.

Connect the buttons to checkers that check if a property is set to 0 or 1 (0 meaning O, 1 meaning X). When a button is pressed use a trigger and block code that all the buttons will connect to that

if property = 0
set property to 1
else if property = 1
set property to 0

an else would also work there but I avoid using them for clarification when I look back at my code. Since there would be 9 buttons and a 6 wire limit, just use a wire repeater to attach all nine to the one trigger.

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sorry forgot to mark solution

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