Working On a JailBreak Map; Need Ideas

So I’ve been working on a jailbreak map for a while now, and since I haven’t played JialBreak in a LONG time, I don’t remember most of the mechanics. i made the prison, and I just need all the ways to escape

Like the roblox jailbreak?

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what have you made so far?

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mainly the prison u spawn in and the city

make the criminal base too…

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Well you should start to make the way of escape, there is like a vent, helis…
(Flag him)


could u give me the list and a description?

and remember just flag and move on with the above post


what about the base for the criminals?

ill work on it once i get all the escape methods

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  1. Using c4 on a weak wall in the prison
  2. get a keycard from one of the guards by kO them / pick pocket them, then use it on the gate
    3.Go into the sewers
  3. escape on a “helicopter/car”
  4. Break a power box, this then opens the gate
    I think that is it
  • I am editing
  • I am not editing
0 voters

can u still edit after the topic is closed?

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like make a sewer, to escape, and make a sewer cover thing and put an invisible vending machine on top of it, and make like you need a key or something and on the vending machine increase the interaction duration. and when the duration is over (or purchased) deactivate machine, and add a wire or channel to teleport players when machine deactivated (keep the vending machine player scoped)


Umm, I don’t know, maybe if it is a wiki…

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oh ok. ill close this topic once the list is finished.

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should i add my idea here?


i remembe thers a guy that has rng to give you a c4 right?

I think there are more, I will player roblox when I get home.
(And yes add your ideas)


Jialbreak :rofl:

i added on the wiki thing for a “helicopter” who removed it…

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