Wondering If you can make something that I can't seem to find anything on

Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean. Elaborate, please.

Not a screen overlay button. Something else that will open the questioner.

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The question button you see in tag domination on the corner of your screen. And when you interact with it you get sent to the questioning screen
Edit: Oki dokey

I’m asking for a different way to open the questioner.

Alot or devices, zones, popups when you close it, etc

You could make a message pop up in the activity feed using blocks but you need a turn-order device combo

I think that might work. Could you elaborate on that or make a guide, please?

Sure, but it’ll take a while
wait around 10 minutes
but i might come back anytime soon 'k

Also, just so you know, I’m not very good on blocks. I can make them with instructions, though.

That’s ok! Can you please just tell me the exact title you are going to name it so I can look for it later?

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Alr making a guide, using PICTURES! (yayyyyy)

Cool! Thank you so much. If you tell me the title, I can mark this topic solution and look for it in 10 min.

“How To Make A Trivia Turn-Order Mechanic”
Doesn’t exist yet

If you don’t need gadgets in your game and it doesn’t break it, you could use a relay device that detects when a gadget is fired. From there, you could open the questioner with either wires or channels every time a gadget is fired.

Great Idea! Thank you for sharing. I will try that too. Although, would it be possible for the relay detect a specific gadget? Could you also elaborate more on how to do that? Thanks!

Hold on you need to wait next day max sorry

That’s ok! Can you please respond to what I asked meepygamer567?

I am going offline. I am marking a solution. Thank you everyone for your help!!!

AFAIK, there probably isn’t an easy workaround to detect specific gadgets. Perhaps you could with Item Inventory Managers and turning on the setting where you require ammo to reload? I suggest you read this post. That’s where I originally got that idea.

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