[🛠 WIP] Ultimate Monsterverse Art Wiki

If it says pixel art you are using barrier squares with grid snap on 32!
Made by @Legobuilder
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Creation Steps(Godzilla-pixel art)

Steps:Get barriers and turn them into different shades of black and dark gray. have at least four, set grid snap settings to 32.
Then start aligning them so they are spread apart by color, black should not be grouped together neither should any same shades of gray…split up the shades around the build.

Arrange them as you want…here is an example. Kongs axe-pixel art

Add a bunch of brown barriers in a column
now add blue squares in this shape with varying colors.

Then add little wisps of blue like this for light!
adjust how you want. Godzilla atomic breath

Just add blue pixels to the head like this

Burning godzilla

Start with a normal godzilla build from above and adjust like this.
Change some fo the stomach red by changing some pixel colors and copying others partially hidden by other ones so it looks like this.


Make a gray pixel body

add legs diagonally like this

Now add feet like this

Now add red topped dark gray scales
now add a light gray neck
Now add a gray head with red eye
Now add hands like these.
And use a blue pixel with 60 transparency around the hands for an electrical look and for around other parts of the mecha.

Creation steps (king ghidorah)

Use yellow pixels to make a body
Then add brown wings like these
Then add legs like these

Then add necks

For the head i cannot do in pixel art…good luck!

Planned guides in future Creation steps (muto)

Not made

Creation steps (shimo)

Not made

Creation Steps(King Kong)

Not made

Creation steps (skull crawler)

Not made

Creation steps (Mothra)

Not made

Creation steps (scylla)

Not made

Creation steps (behemoth)

Not made

Creation steps(Scar king)

Not made

Art ideas and images

btw name wf is wolftech, name godzilla is legobuilder in the images

If anyone has any mini-guides for any monster verse creatures like godzilla, buildings, anything from movies or comic books related to monsterverse, add it

From old guide…some animation steps Regular build

Place a barrier make it black and set alpha in appearance settings to 100 and turn off the border. Make it look like this.
Add more barriers but make it look like this
add a snowpile (any type) and make it black and flip it upside down onto the arm
do it to both arms
Add snowman without arms and make it black and copy it so it seems to have fingers
Now add more bariers for legs

GIve it feet using a sign turned black

And add more signs so it looks like toes

Now add another barrier for a tail

Then add more signs around it to look like a tail

Now give it a barrier for a neck

Now give it two black signs for a head

Give it a small circle barrier yellow-orange-or red

and you have a quick godzilla build, this is not the best I can build but I’m not giving you my advanced build to copy, this is a template, make your own godzilla!!
To make it sh00t beam just add your own beam and make the signs turn blue on its tail and its eye. Animation here

You use wire repeaters connected to whatever will activate it…I’m going to use a button.
Connect a button(or whatever will activate an animation) to a wire repeater

Then have it set to 1 second delay and it deactivates every part of the arm and to connect to another wire repeater

Then make the arm again but a little higher and have the button conenct to another wire repeater with no delay that activates the second arm.(make sure the second arm has all of it where it does not show up on game start)

Now keep raising and moving the arm where the wire repeaters activate the current and deactivate the last arm…and you have an animation of its arm moving…this way can be used to make the arms move, legs and feet move, head move, have it look like its walking, and the tail to move.

Untitled_ Feb 21, 2024 10_34 AM
this is me and wolftech recording a animation i made
Untitled_ Feb 21, 2024 10_43 AM


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I would have said that nicer and in the guide…


@GimNo0b can you help ? I need help making king ghidorahs heads in pixel art…
could you show a screenshot example and I can credit you?


Post any art and or mini-guides you have down here and I will credit you above and put it in the wiki.


What kind of art should it be (barrier, floor, emoji, …) and what picture should i use as the base

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use a king of the monsters picture of king ghidorahs head.
and use barriers for pixel art…thanks…and are you interested in helping more than this one time? if so ill let you also edit wiki.


sure i will keep you updated on the progress it might take a day or two

Or three or four or …


take your time…so are you interested in helping add pixel art and other types of art for the chracters from the godzilla monsterverse? (instructions and or just pictures for ideas)

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here is the pic i found is it ok


yes but staring forward.

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how bout this



here is the rest of the body i made.


so you want floor art

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huh? i used barrier pixel art like wolftech showed me.
not terrain

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Sorry i’m stupid i though it was floor art i ill do it in barriers

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I really like his feet

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thanks and your not stupid!


I’m half way!!


Ohhhhh i feel so bad…i gave you the picture of rest of body so you could see size range…it needs to be much smaller. my bad…if you want to finish that though I could add it to wiki when your done…ohhh i feel terrible you went through all that work!


its fine i will just shrink the pixels