Willy Wonka Map Ideas

Yes, I am currently on GKC.


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I was removed from that site. No idea why. But I could use your help!

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Try using the padlet,

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I added the Wonkatania boat in the tunnel. Let me know what you think.

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Hi @JasonLeft can I help u?

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I think I figured it out. But please let me know what else I could add. I was only able to add so many flashing walls because of the limit of devices I could use.

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Oh ok. Wait this still Willy wonky map right

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it only has like things that some people would think is scary like a no spoilers 4 u
on topic now

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Canā€™t you just use barriers and wooden poles colored your desired HEX, you should be able to link that up to your system to time or the way you have for the props to flash on and off.


Are you stuck on the limit of 10 Repeaters?

If so, you can use Wire Repeaters that Trigger each other and connect them both to the Barrier to form a loop.

(Using the Flashing Lights guide by Blizzy but instead of Repeaters, Wire Repeaters.)

(Lifecycle) Event Occurs ā€”> (Wire Repeater 1) Repeat the wire pulse!

(Lifecycle) Event Occurs ā€”> (Wire Repeater 2) Repeat the wire pulse!

(Wire Repeater 2) When the wire repeater receives a pulseā€¦ ā€”> (Wire Repeater 3) Repeat the wire pulse!

(Wire Repeater 1) When the wire repeater recieves a pulseā€¦ ā€”> (Barrier) Deactivate Barrier

(Wire Repeater 3) When the wire repeater receieves a pulseā€¦ ā€”> (Barrier) Activate Barrier

Extra Notes: Wire Repeater 2 is NOT part of the loop.

This can also be done with Trigger Loops.
Refer to the guide linked below.

If youā€™re still confused, look at this guide.


Uhā€¦ā€¦idk what just happened. Left for 7 min. and boom billions of words

Same, I just got on too.

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Thank you for the information. I will try that!

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Yeah. : / like-pls guys! Slow it dowwwnnnn

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Lotsa words though. I read like 1/3 of that and Iā€™m like-nah bruh. Not happnā€™. Maybe Iā€™m not as smart as yā€™all, but-whoooaaaaa.

It worked though! lol

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maybe add the great glass elevator, (little known sequel.)


The Wonkavator is in the last room of the map. But yes, there is a sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory novel.

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Maybe you could make an Artemis Fowl map? (Just an idea, itā€™s totally fine if you say no)

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