Why is this happening to me?

So, it’s my first time using GimKit Creative to create a map. The tutorial was very helpful, and so I get to building. Soon enough, as I’m continuing to build my map, it starts to act weird. How weird you may ask? Well sometimes, when building my map, the previously selected item or prop will still be registered as selected even after I have moved my cursor off of the object. Recently, when I would try to copy an object and put the copy somewhere else, instead of being placed down where I want it to be placed, it’s placed in an entirely random spot. And it doesn’t move the highlight around, so I don’t know where it’s going to place it. Did someone manage to hack GimKit or is it a bug of some type that is affecting maps everywhere in GimKit? Please help. I have been working on this for a long while, and I am almost done with it. Honestly, I saw a few strange things, but I don’t remember what they looked like. Maybe this is a certain bug that is targeting my map?
Edit: Btw I am doing this on an iPad.

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This happens sometimes. I recommend you start and restore the map, and if that doesn’t work, just rehost the game.
Edit: This is actually a different bug than I thought, but restoring and/or rehosting should work.

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This happens to me sometimes too. I think it’s an issue with where the game things the mouse pointer is somewhere it’s not. A simple reload works most of the time though! :grin:


Thank you for the suggestions, but I have already tried all of these methods. Nothing has worked. Although… it could be because of my network. I run on school Wi-Fi almost all of the day, but the rest of the day, I use a personalized home WiFi. It works better on my home WiFi, but it still has those bugs every once in a while. No matter what, though, I will find a way to fix this.


Welcome to the forums @GimKitEngineer2024 !
here are things you can try:
restart computer
close the tab
close the window
hard restart
reset cookies

If it still doesn’t work email Gimkit.


Yes, restart, if it continues, then contact gimkit

  1. IM BACK PEOPLE, srry, off-topic ↩︎

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Thank you for your suggestions @NPC_da_CPU. I will try them soon.


Lots of words but yeah this happened to me too, clearing cookies is what I do

Welcome to forums @GimKitEngineer2024 (A great thing to do is to add pictures, so people can also visualize what is happening)

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@oof-sister I tried adding a video explaining what was happening, but it wouldn’t let me put it in my topic.
Edit: I could try adding multiple different screenshots from the video, but I don’t think that would work either.

A great way to add a video is to use the hyperlink in the editing screen
Screen Shot 2024-10-21 at 4.14.37 PM
(which you might not have since you just joined)

Otherwise you can take screenshots

wait so ur on ipad?
So basically, the problem is probably because GIMKIT is not really built for mobile. GKC is mostly desktop, and there are less issues there, instead of ipad. But the reason for your current glitch is probably lag, or just turn off ur iPad, take a bathroom break, touch some grass, put some holy grass on ipad, then BAM! Fixed!

Fix: Press M and click.

And then

There its fixed


ya that happens to me to just let it copy then delete it afterward and that should fix it

He said he is using mobile, so pressing m won’t do anything for him

Argg how do you make the fancy key symbol

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Ohh then plan b:
I think editing the size helped me once