Why does my wiki keep closing, I NEED HELP!

Because other people won’t really help because they can’t change it. You just need to wait for the moderators open it again. It also could be because it is a weekend (At least in my time period.)

can a TL3 please answer me?

whats an TL3 I do not know what that is

trust level 3, a regular

what am I right now I think I might be 1 or 2

I have no idea what is happening, but you could message the moderators.

@Aubec7 or Bobthebuilder123 have done that. (I am not sure which one or both.)

Click on your profile and your first badge will show it, right now you are a Basic, meaning a TL1

I know why it keeps closing because 18 people flagged me. It literally says that on the topic.

gimsolver don’t get offended but you kinda did do all this, you need to understand what to post and what not to post

so is this like a glitch or something @NavyCatZ ?

It could be. Note that it says at least 4 hours, so it could be closed for longer. Maybe wait a week, if it’s still not opened try messaging the moderators.


well it says this post will automatically open in 4 hours

It could be permanent. :slightly_frowning_face: Hopefully not. It will most likely reopen tomorrow.

I mean, even if its permanent then I can still make another non-wiki version, but that’s kinda annoying

Just ask @awesomeT43 to make another one.

I can sense The future of the wiki is bleak :crystal_ball:

@Aubec7 I think we should wait a couple days, and if it still isn’t unlocked I’ll mesage the moderators.

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Who’s “we” because I think @Bobthebuilder123 already did.

The forum as a whole.

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