I’m trying to share my map with my teacher, but for some reason the kit does not load onto the questioners, instead it just uses the default kit. I’ve made sure it’s the correct link, but it does not use the kit when he uses the publish link.
Do you have 2 questioners?
Yes, I do have 2 of them.
Make sure they are both inactive on game start. I’m pretty sure there’s no setting for that, so you will have to use a lifecycle that triggers a relay for all players. The relay should deactivate both questioners. After that, activate whichever one you want.
What if I want them to both be active at the same time? Would I have to make a separate copy of the kit and switch one of them to that?
You will have to have different overlays for each.
When you are done @getrithekd there is a problem called Capture the Flag help. They need some help.
what do you mean by different overlays?
Layers i believe next to the erase button.
so what should I do exactly?
He is feeling sick atm
I might also be completely wrong but that should work
I’ll try that, thanks.
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