Why don't I get XP?

For some reason every time I play I don’t get XP even though I get points or something.

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Are you playing a Gimkit Gamemode or a Creative Game/Map?
Also, what do you mean by “points?”

In Gimkit Gamemodes, you can normally get XP
by Knocking a Person/Sentry out, Purchasing an Upgrade or Scoring a Goal (In BlastBall)
In creative though, you can only get XP by using a Questioner with a Linked Set with only one Correct answer.
(It won’t give you XP for Questioner-Linked spam kits or kits with more than one answer correct.)

Welcome to the community!


did you reach you weekly xp limit?

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No I have not gained any XP

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I do knock sentries’ and players but I don’t get XP

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Are you playing a Creative game/map?

Yes (20 characterss)

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thats the reason, you can’t earn xp in a gimkit creative map aside from questioners with only one correct answer (see quoted post)


Also why don’t I get any in non-creative maps?

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that might be why
i hate 20 characters

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no xp

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what modes are you playing?

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Are you using a spam kit? If so, that’s probably the issue.


I don’t have a kit yet, I don’t play the ones with a kit.


Ah, that’s why. You can only earn xp from 2d game modes that have kits.


oh okay thank you!! (20 chars)

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No problem! Welcome to the forum and I’m happy to help!


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