Why doesnt my gimkit tutorial work

Yo I just realized its April Fools Day no wonder why my pillow felt wet and cold when I woke up

its an April fool thingy that gimkit does every year, tmrw this would be resolved

its a thingy that gimkit does for an April fools prank. its even confirmed that its an April fools prank. gimkit just likes to mess around. its not a bug

We don’t know if this is an actual april fool’s prank or something that happened when they updated dld today. I’m guessing the latter.

its a April fools thing for the platforming. if you look at the don’t look down gamemode then you can see it

Guys its a April fools prank. I think we can mark a solution now

@leahciM what is wrong with the people you live with/poor pillow

When they release the april fools update it kind of broke the entirety of interactables and gimkit creative, they have fixed almost all of them.
(btw sorry if I’ m wrong)

:slight_smile: it’s just a prank anyways I got them back

What did you do to them @leahciM .:sweat_smile:

oh… uh let’s not talk about that
I went tooooooo far on that one

ok this is getting of topic (poor people leahciM got back)