Why did I get banned from the padlet?

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Were you directly disobeying rules?

also, being sorry for being off topic doesn’t change anything.

This’ll still probably get flagged.

I went to the art place, someone said that’s where I ask for thumbnails, so I asked and that’s the only thing iv ever said in the padlet

  1. Saying sorry for being off topic will not help
  2. There was probably a reason
  3. You have been asking this everywhere, so just accept the awsner you have been given over and over.

ik saying sorry for off topic wont help, I was just wondering

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

this gimkt padlet?i

yeah you were probably banned for posting off topic, which is actually, funnily enough, what you’re doing right now.


well, someone said that’s where I ask for thumbnails, in the art tab in the padlet, so I trusted them, that’s why I got trust issues, I ain’t trusting noone every again

And do you expect posting this on the forum would help anything? Go ask the owners of that Padlet for help, not us.

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I don’t know where to ask:/

Big words + all caps = rudity.

What padlet?

come on people cut him some slack, he seems to be innocent because of what im hearing

bro big words, all caps, =DRAWS attention…i did it to draw attention…and guess what stuff stopped until i was flagged for no reason…

again flag and move on…its off topic so just ignore it.

ping badkarma…easy as that!

No more replies so this could close?

as u keep talking in here, also I’m just asking why I cant access the padlet, someone said that’s where I ask for thumbnails so I trusted them
