Why can i type an e in the gimkit code input screen?

You can type a single lower or uppercase e in the gimkit loading screen for some reason and I don’t know why.

That might just be a bug…

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thats a wonderful question!

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Welcome to the forums, @Raven! I hope you’ll love it here as much as I do :smiley:

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but yeah i think its either a bug or a SECRET THINGY

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It might be a dev thing idk

You should move it to Bugs btw :slight_smile:

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(by the way i could be completely wrong about this)

i think it is because of scientific notation, like 1.8e4= 18000

hmmm… i wonder if hypothetically the game c0de was 18000, if you could put 1.8e4 and it would still go in… hmmm…


well thats not the only thing i asked an emailed gimkit i think they just brushed it off

heres all of them

E e . - +

and my orginal post Why does this happen

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Actually, my friend suggested this too, so you could be right.

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So many new users! I can’t welcome them all…

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Welcome to the forums @Raven

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It’s probably just because “e” can be used in math, and since it’s numbers the code input allows it.


Thanks for the guidelines :slight_smile:

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Even though it looks like a bug, it probably isn’t.

When you put something that only allows letters, the computer reorganizes that it’s a “mathematical” keyboard, so it lets E in it, because the letter E is part of math (Euler Number)

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my only problem is when i copy the j0in code from my game into another tab i have to delete the dot before i can click enter

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Welcome to the forum, @Raven! Feel free to reach out to me for help whenever on the forum or my blog chat box (link in my bio) - I’m always happy to help with GKC problems!

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