Who wants to be in Tranquil Trails

Note: You can’t have custom sound in GKC.

Yes, I want to be an NPC. He gives a difficult side quest, and the side quest does absolutely nothing to real progression. You do get a funny trophy for doing it though.

NPC type: Robot, with a barrier with a red outline and black inside, with a text that says [CENSORED] at where the eyes are.


  1. Hello! My name is [CENSORED]. [Got anything for me to do?] [I challenge you to a battle.] (Interaction)
  2. Yes, I want you to participate in a race across the entire map. Also, do it in less than X seconds. [What? That’s Gimpossible!] [Deal.] (When you pick “Got anything for me to do?”)
  3. Are you sure? You may regret it. [Nah, I’d win.] [On second thought…] (When you pick “I challenge you to a battle.”)
  4. Nah bro, you’re just bad. (When you pick “What? That’s Gimpossible!”)
  5. Alright then. I won’t hold back. (When you pick “Nah, I’d win.”)
  6. Good. I have good intentions, I didn’t want to hurt anyone. (When you pick “On second thought…”)

Attack Behavior:
500 HP, Legendary Blaster. If not knocked out in 5 seconds, instantly kiIIs you. Uses psuedo-health via breakable props.

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NPC: three Chomps connected by lines like photo with possible dragon body. NPC name: Dark Hydra. My name: Dark Hydra
In battle, middle head have legendary quantum portal and side heads have epic blasters.

  1. Sup.
  2. Can I ask you a favor? I need (blank)
  3. TYSM! You rule.
  4. Hi again!
  5. Fight me!!! (Battle challange)
  6. rude. ( you Say nothing and walks away.)
    7 . Four. (If you ask how he is doing.)

NPC: Stache
Name: Mr. Money
Username: WolfTecnology
1.Oh, hello there
2. I need a little favor from you…
3. You completed my task?! Well I suppose you want a reward.(gives 100 dollars)
4. Money grows on trees!
5. Green is my favorite color, couldn’t you guess?

NPC: Stache.

NPC Name: The Traveller

Your Name: @Gimkit101

NPC Backstory: A traveler originally from the planet Dethor (this is a reference to some of my games).

  1. How can I help you?
  • I want a quest.

  • Who are you?

  1. Where can I find the Crafter?
  • I don’t know. That’s why I offer it as a quest. Will you be the first to track him down?

Dialogue ©GimStream 2024

  1. OK. How about you try to find the Crafter? He was rumored to be around these parts. ↩︎

  2. I am the Traveller. I come from planet Dethor but fled after the Wraith King decimated the Crafter’s castle. ↩︎

I would say 100 is a lot of money, but I could add him.


@WhoAmI Added! @GimGuy Added! @unavailible So it would be like a joke character? I might add it. @Dark_Hydra Interesting, i might add him as a secret character. @WolfTechnology It’s a tie between you and @Gimkit101 , for the stache skin, I might change one of their skins so that they can both be in the game.


Ok. Thanks for including me! :sunglasses:

I will add him, I might change his skin, but I will make sure to include “Dethor”.

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Okay! I’m out of hearts, so thanks! :heart:

:moyai: By the way your now in the credits :moyai:

oh ok, im fine with what ever you choose. :slight_smile:

Kind of, if you kiII him or finish the quest, he gives the trophy.

Okay. When should your game be released?

I still have to overhaul the decorations, the only decorated island is the 1st one, so anywhere between a week, and 3 weeks :moyai: .

Okay. I can’t wait to play it! :smile_cat:

Maybe you should wait until they release the NPC Chat Device, though. :rofl:

Yeah, the chat device would be nice,

Here is a fully decorated island

It looks a little buggy Because I used 3 images.


that looks good! maybe add some lower alpha barriers so it looks like waves are splashing against the cliff. If you want. make sure the barriers are white, or light blue and are circles.

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Where is the credits hall lol

NPC: Detective Baka. NPC Name: SpyGlass. Your name: (Zvstheworld)

  1. Hello there, sleuth,
  2. Can you help me with finding my magnifying glasses? I’ve lost them, and I’d appreciate the help.
  3. Thank you so much, fellow detective.
  4. Hey, it’s you again. Found the magnifying glasses?
  5. Once found them: Thanks again, detective. Now, I’ve gotta get back to that mystery. Keep inspecting!

Sorry I planned out the quest already.

NPC: Echo/Robot. NPC Name: Alyssa. Name: Props

  1. Hey!
  2. Can you go to the water and get me some? -if you say no I will find you :slight_smile: -
  3. Good job. You really dodged a bullet by saying yes.
  4. What’s happening?
  5. Do. It. NOW!