Which one looks better?

So, idk if this is off topic but… that’s fine. It’s supposed to be on a spaceship, and this is the cafeteria. Do you like the interior wall space ship thing better? Or the stone.

(The walls)

The first one looks more natural and blends in better, I would go for that.

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But does it look like a space ship? Or a castle?

Im so lost

The second one has some walls that look like frames, but I have a feeling the walls in the second one give me some sense of danger, but it is a spaceship after all.

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Yeah. I’m just going to wait for more opinions. Thanks for yours!

I think the second one looks better, I like the fact that the items on the table are more spread apart, if that makes sense? Also there’s a chair, I think it’s more realistic

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thank you, but I was more talking about the walls…

OH, in that case I still think the second one looks better, the first one kind of looks like floor (no offense)

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I agree, but are you sure it looks like a space ship and not just blocks coming together

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I’m not sure if you were asking me but I guess I’ll answer. Neither picture is bad, but if you showed me both pictures with no context and you asked what each picture was supposed to represent, I would think the first one looks more like a medieval/castle vibe. I think the second one looks more like a spaceship/alien vibes

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The second one could be that grill floor thing (is it catwalk?)

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I was waiting for someone to say that! perfect. thanks!

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so smart I’ll try it

I think the second one is better but I’d suggest doing the walls on a different layer


I think the first one looks better. I would recommend cropping the code of so no one random joins your game.

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Please layer your terrain…

That would make both of them look 100% better


Omg im so stupidd thank you

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okay! Got it! Just let me find a guide on how to do that

Also if you want your room to be more spaceship themed, try using the second one, but with dark scrapes or dark marble as the floor

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@Night_Owl13 to layer terrain, just change the setting “layer” when placing to a higher number than your floor :slight_smile:

Screenshot 2024-09-07 2.24.18 PM


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