Which Music Track Should I Use? (2 Options)

I Know, This Might Get Flagged But It’s Ok.

So, Before I Publish My Map, I Was Thinking: Hmmm… Which Music Track Should I Use? Oh! I Know! I Should Ask The Forums!

So… I’ve Decided To Let You Guys Decide! (My Map Is Arcade Themed) I Have Picked 2 Tracks And I’ll Let You Guys Decide On Which One! Voting Ends January 20th, 2024! You Have 5 Days To Vote! I Hope You Guys Pick Jazz Club But Whatever.

  • Jazz Club
  • Peaceful Guitar
0 voters

If This Poll Gets To 15 Voters, I Will Close It Early

Bro. Let The Forums Decide And Not Just Say This Or That (Not Meant To Be Rude)


Jazz Club

Peaceful Guitar

Thank You To Everyone That Participated In This Poll!

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