Which games should I make?

  • Small map box like with Legendary Quantum portals
  • D-Day
  • MAZE
  • Other
0 voters

I really like quantum portals

If you choose other, please specify what other is

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other = make any game and stop posting help topics like these/use your creativity -_-


Why is it bad if I posted a help topic like this, I would like to know the most popular opinion of my ideas.

Just work on the one you’re most interested in. If that doesn’t work, finish the game that’s most developed.

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Why would popularity affect how you design a game? While people have their own preferences on what games they’d love to see, that shouldn’t hold you back from making what you want to make. Don’t fall into the trap of peer pressure. Just be yourself and make whatever game you want.


Because it doesn’t matter .
Gimkit Creative is supposed to be a fun, light game making/designing website platform thingamajig. Since it’s not complete, it may be a bit harder to do somethings but it should never be taken seriously, and feedback should be taken with a grain of salt but remembered in future cases. Just make a game. Don’t think too hard. Understand concepts, make more advanced things, and eventually (if you pursue game development) move on to bigger things. If this is just for fun as a pastime, then MAKE it fun. Make it a pastime. This is about you. Not me. Not any forumer. Not even your closest friends. Let your imagination run wild, don’t get held back because of what other people think. And at the end of the day, ITS JUST A GAME.


My “other” idea:

Once apon a star, a wish was made. A wish for one who would come to the Earth and make all things perfect. But when the wish came true, such a being did not exist, so the Maw was forthcoming, who wanted chaos over all. You, the wisher, now must make your way through absurd obsitcles, mind-boggling puzzles and powerful enemies, to finally reach the center of the maze the Maw has made itself and battle, with the gadgets, shield, health, and abilities you have collected over the trip, and finally return the Maw to the stars.


This seems like this game would give people a lot of stress and anxiety; perfect for the school environment! :grin:

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Did you know that you are very rude?

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I doubt that they were coming across as rude, but rather, be more creative and don’t be pressured to make a game because a poll said so or whatever. Again, at the end of the day, GKC is just a fun game-making tool like Mario Maker. This isn’t some competition to get the most plays or gain popularity because eventually, that won’t matter.


If you are looking for popularity use Unity, Godot, Game Maker, etc. and upload them onto itch.io or someplace. Afterall, it’s in the name; Gimkit Creative = be creative.

Sorry if I came out rude and I wasn’t trying to.


I am not succumbing to peer pressure. I just listed somethings I would like to make and asked others which ones were there favorite

Hey, did you know that you are very aggressive?
First, you really have to learn what does “rude” means
Second, correct your grammar mistakes and word choices before you can criticize anyone.

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rude /rooÍžd/
Ill-mannered, discourteous, or insulting.
Example : “was offended by his rude behavior.”

He was being very rude as I WAS offended by his rude behavior, as he said

Oh? you want to keep this up despite from knowing he wasn’t being rude at all?
First of all, GKC Community Forum is a place to help people and explore several important aspects GKC related,
Polls for map ideas weren’t allowed in here anyways.

It is your map, your opinion, your work, NOT ours.
so with that being said, you don’t have the right to blame other people for noticing you in a proper way.
Please be respectful to those who were trying to help you.

Now, I don’t expect you to listen, but I do have to warn you that, this place isn’t your kindergarten.

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