Where is this or that?

I can’t find it? Is this game mode removed?

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Yeah, I think it got removed.

NOOOOOOOO! Why? Why did it get removed?!

I think because of all the new gamemodes being added each season?..

If you found your solution remember to mark it

Dang really?! This or That is much better than the new mode. But yes…

It was glitched for a bit, only curtain users can access it.

The only good thing the new mode gave us was the moving sentries.

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I wouldn’t solve this post yet. Try checking Discovery.

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Coolcaden26 is right. I found it in discovery this morning.

Updated the soultion post bc I looked into the problem and it’s shown up and disappeared, due to lack of memory and servers. I could be wrong, but you never know

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I was about to make an entire guide remaking this or that because it got deleted until I found that out :skull:. but shouldn’t this be a bug topic then?

@SirWyWy should this be a bug topic? your an regular so your able to put it to bugs if OP does not

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Wrong, it’s only accessible in Discovery.

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