When someone falls or gets knocked out, that they immediately become a spectator?

I am so inexperienced…(sigh)

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Lifecycle-> teamswitcher
Make the lifecycle to when player knocked out
Then teamswitcher to spectators
After, connect those two together with a wire.

k, how do i make it that if everyone falls or everyone gets knocked out, the game ends?


like literally everyone?
Look at:

Place down a counter (global-scoped).

Lifecycle (Game Start) → Relay (All Players) → Counter (Increment Counter). Make the target value of the counter 0.

Player knocked out → Decrement Counter.

Counter (Target Value Reached) → End Game.

yeah because there are sentries

In case a player leaves the game…

Lifecycle (Game Start) → Trigger (Trigger). Now give the trigger a delay of 0.5 seconds, and make it send on the channel “Repeat” every time it triggers itself. Now make it trigger itself when receiving “Repeat”. This will make it so that it repeats permanently until the game ends.

Trigger (Triggered) → Relay (All Players) → Counter (Counter).

There’s no need for another lifecycle using this method, and it’s better.

thank u!

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connect what to what??

Sorry, the “Player Knocked Out” thing is actually a Lifecycle with the setting “Player Knocked Out”.

You’d connect a Lifecycle to a counter, and a counter to an end game device.

k this is what i have

wait, at the start of the game the host (I have a second me for a tester) is kicked out and is a spectator

hold up, and the tester just respawns!!
I am so bad at this : (