What Type of Battle Royale Should I Make

What type of battle royale game should I make?

Are there any particular genres or games you like? Try taking that concept but turn it into a battle royale!

Make a space or sky themed battle royale, whichever one is easier.

eh i dont play much battle royale games.

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that would work, but i am trying to make a 25 player battle royale

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Just any genre or game.

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but like, what genre? thats what im stuck on

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You could try to incorporate class systems, where each player could choose classes and have different weapons/gear, etc.

Real life. It’s morbidly unfair, but kind of fun.


thanks! now i need a theme

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What genres do you like? Adventures, puzzles etc. Or settings like cities or forests.

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Make money, have certain events happen, like a boardgame.


i like forests, cities, tundras, deserts, mansions, all that kinda stuff

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How about have two team factions going against each other. One is nature and one is technology/human kind. There are different classes for each faction.


thanks, but IRL wouldn’t be much fun, because, like you said, its morbidly unfair. and money is a good idea, but a boardgame battle royal seems not much fun


that goes with to what @PotionMaster said, thanks!

Don’t forget to mark a solution!

thanks for all of the tips n’ stuff!

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