What stores should I make for my zombies map

Yeah. So what’s the wall weapons?

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For the Gimspital, I expect that the zombies are in a different team, so they can’t damage each other, connects the vending machine to buy it to a relay that selects a random player in specific team. Have that team be the zombie team then hook it up to a team switcher that switches to the survivor team. (P.S. you should “@“ the people who had the ideas so others can click on it and so the person you got @ ed gets pinged)

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Ok made it (I’m not good at design so I didn’t try)

Nothing fancy about the wires

Oh!!! I thought that we were talking about reviving specific players!

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Oh that would be hard…

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You would just use a highly modified version of my voting system.

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Yeah, it would be.

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Make a crafting store


Whats the name?

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I can’t think of one.

GimTown’s Crafts


The Gimtel.
(Hotel for Gims. If you pay to sleep, you regenerate some health instantly.)
(If you pay for a nicer bed, you get even MORE health, or maybe some shield too. Like the normal bed would cost $40, but you can pay $60-80 and get some shield and a total health refill.)


Make a school that can teach you things like first aid (Regen over time) Finance (Extra gimbucks) and bargaining (less cost on specific things) But you must pay a tuition

A place where you can play arcade games to earn tickets which you can use to purchase upgrades or gadgets

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Hey I made one of those! It was a “Parkour” game where you run around collecting reasearch (would be tickets) and when you get to the end you hit a button to win! there is also a 10 second time limit. You could use it here!


This looks really good! Maybe you could put triggers around the props that make you respawn if you hit them.

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Gimmart. Buy useful stuff

(post deleted by author)

This is now closed, I won’t be doing any more zombies maps for now

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