What stores should I make for my zombies map

I need some Ideas for stores, my map is a mall, and I already have a Gimbucks planned, so I just need ideas, there will be sentry store clerks, and I will make the name of the person who came up with the idea, as the knockout name. You can do real stores, play on name stores, like my Gimbucks, and if there are 3 really good ones, for the last store, I will make a poll. I will add the store name, and the person, who came up with the idea. (P.S. 3 stores per person)


  1. Gimbucks (Coffee) Finished

  2. Gimthetics (Eeveeborg) Un-finished

  3. Gimdonalds (Gim_Fishy) Un-finished

  4. Gimvenience store (Max1) Un-finished

  5. Gimstock (Getrithekd) Un-finished

  6. Gimspital (I-am-helpful) Un-finished

  7. Gimtown craft’s (Haisai and Navy) Un-finished

  8. Gimtel (Dragontamer)

  9. The great GimCade (Dragontamer)

  10. GimJS (Eeveeborg)
    This is all for know, I might add more later, but keep thinking of store ideas, I will add more, once im done with the first and second floor


To make a wiki, you have to be in trust level 3

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OK, so I will edit it so that I add the person’s name, and If your a trust level 3, you can add it yourself, if you want

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Trust level threes can’t make other posts wikis nor edit them other than titles and tags.

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Ok, thanks for letting me know

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Make a store called “Gimthetics”, a fitness store that you can increase your speed and “strength” (a variable that can allow you to break rocks, using checkers on the buttons that if you have enough strength the rock or other material disappears, allowing for more exploration.


is it ok if the strength is a zombie buff, and if they can break turrets instead of rocks, and, this will be juggernog’s location


That would be very cool


gimdonalds where you can get speed and health upgrades


So stamina up location, ok got it

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Givenience store. Sells Med kits, common gadgets etc.


Maybe a bank or stock market, so you don’t lose money when you die, but you have to pay to store your stuff, but you get interest on money and you get weapon upgrades for any weapons stored in it.


Okay, when you die, you become a zombie, and the zombies, can get money and can buy weapons, but depending on how many player there are, they most likely can’t get weapons, though I can make it so that they get a passive income, so they can get wall weapons, that good, also what is the name


Knowing that, you should add a place that can cost a bunch of money and revive someone, a gimspital


OK, I like the idea, but how would I do that?
(P.S. If I or someone else find a way, I will add it, still adding the gimspital tho)

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Gimstock. It could store weapons that degrade 2 rarities and 3 weapons when you die, or something like that. You could have a money system for upgrades. Also, when you die, your money decreases by a half.

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This would be weird. Wouldn’t the zombies not want this?

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Not want what? The revival, or the wall weapons?

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Cause if its the revival, the survivor would want other survivors, so they would revive, damaging the zombie numbers, and giving a higher escape chance

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The revival.

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