What should the new Market stands for OLYMPUS be called?/Prototypes for Greek god gims

Need names for
Coral stand
Ceramics stand
Armor stand
Fruit seller
Veggie seller (both would be in central garden)
INSIDE stands:
Bread maker
Glass maker
Shield stand
magic books wizard (would be in back ally area) sold by raveena
Plants seller
Silver maker (selling forks, hammers, and horseshoes)
Rock garden
Indoor bazaar
should we have a central greenhouse/garden

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Should we include a back alley with “blackmarket shops”

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

We are in need of Greek god gims
Captain buck is Poseidon and Ozi or Bonsey will be Hades
For the rest I don’t know and need prototypes
Greek Mythology Padlet (Links in my icon) ← Greek Mythology facts and such on all the gods

You can find Zeus here:


Yall rejecting the garden but encouraging the black market
nah :smirk:


I personally want both but the black market is an essential

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Poll will close in 2 hours



amazing tysm I’m importing this into the map now

Np happy to help

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He looks like he’s gonna shoot some 3’s lol

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Lol fr though…

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Close call yo, no central greenhouse almost won over central green house, but we have it. I will begin construction on the rest of the market stalls and the central green house. Let’s not forget about the black market with 83% on yes and 17% on no, Yes we will have a back alley with the black market.

still need some suggestions for the bazaar stands

Coral stand = Coral Cove
Ceramics stand = Pottery Palace
Armor stand = Ares’s Armor
Fruit seller = Demeter’s Fruits & Vegetables
Veggie seller (both would be in central garden) = Demeter’s Fruits & Vegetables
INSIDE stands:
Bread maker = Olympian Bakery
Glass maker = Haephestus’s Glass & Statues
Shield stand = Shield & Strike
Magic books wizard (would be in back ally area) sold by raveena = Raveena’s Wizarding Books
Plants seller = Persephone’s Plant Shop
Silver maker (selling forks, hammers, and horseshoes) = Haepheastus’s Utentils
Library = Library Of Mnemosyne
Rock garden = The Olympian Rock Garden
Indoor bazaar = Supernatural Market

Possible one for voting:
Central Garden: Demeter’s & Persephone’s Haven
Blackmarket Ally: The Hob


Big sigh
That took a veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long time to make.

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Omg @Artemis tysm this is amazing
visit this Padlet so you can come and help build the stands (if you want to)
Greek mythology map making OLYMPUS (codes)

guys I need 2 more I forgot to put on there
Money changer

can someone give me the home link to the gimkit padlet

Dionysus’s Brewery.

what is the gimkit padlet

There are multiple, so I don’t know which to send.