What should the new Market stands for OLYMPUS be called?/Prototypes for Greek god gims

umm just give me the original

Which one are you asking
DOD padlet?
OSS Padlet?
Gimkit Creative Chat?
Alt Wix?
Code Sharing?

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this one pls and thankyou

Money Changer = The God’s Drachma
Brewery = Dionysus’s Brew

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@LOFINIGHT I cant wait for the finished product!!! 100% it will go to CP!!

@Artemis and @M13TheCreator you can see right now codes on my padlet
What is 100% CP

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Okie… lemme try to find it

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can I help u with your game?? I gtg but ill be back in around 10-30 mins

Here you go @M13TheCreator https://padlet.com/your_boi_Badkarma/gimkit-creative-chat-p0k0mxb2vwqvu5u1
But then someone gotta approve you so you have to wait till tomorrow…

yes you may----------------------

Have you considered adding bosses? I could make some for you if you want?

Its been 3 months and lofinight is hardly active anymore. There was no need to bump this topic

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wow dats actually crazy lol

for library, you could put Laurel’s Library, a library made by someone named Laurel

Ya know, you can just decorated sentries instead of JUST making them certain gims

You might be a bit late with the reply for this topic, for Lofinight’s gone for the summer
also please don’t necropost

I can make a 2D Zeus boss fight if you want!