What should i do next

im done with my fnaf two game (just need to make that tmbnail but idk what to make next i wanna go for three thing so ima have a vote here)
1: fighting game
desc its not like ur avrage gimkit fighting game ima make it like a TSB type thing (if u know what that is Building level (RED)
2: FNAF 3
desc the name tells u Building level (orange)
3: Hide and see
desc I wanna make a prop hunt type thing and if u get Tagged ur also a hunter so dont tell ur friends where u are lol Building level (RED)
4: The Gim Rooms
desc The Gim Rooms is the back rooms but in gimkit in here you will go through levels of what seems to never end but ur not alone u need to escape befor it gets u Building level (RED)[poll type=multiple results=always min=1 max=1 chartType=bar]

  • 1: Fighting Game
  • 2: FNAF 3
  • 3: Hide and Seek
  • 4: The Gim Rooms

What is TSB?

And no not like TSB bank, TSB Roblox game.

TSB is a roblox game where many player fight on a huge map and battle it out with there own movesets

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The Strongest Battlegrounds
How To Make The Strongest Battlegrounds In Gimkit :facepunch: By TheWorldo

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mine will be advanced and be able to have more than two ppl

also you can search TSB Roblox in google :smiley:

I can see if I can do one, @Colton ping me to tell me if I can do one or I’m not able too
Thank you!!

@Colton Edit your post to make a poll please

The poll doesn’t work…

here’s a poll.

  • Fighting Game
  • Hide And Seek
  • Into The Gimrooms
  • FNaF 3
0 voters

And the winner IS HIDE AND SEEK

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