What Should be My Next Guide?

Hello, Gimkiters! I need a bit of help for my next CMG, (Community-Made Guide) so I thought to make a poll for it! You can also chat it to me if you have an idea that isn’t on my poll.

What Should my Next Guide be?
  • Battle Royale
  • LifeSteal
  • Minigame Lane
  • Capture the Flag
0 voters

Lifesteal or Minigame

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I said Minigame Lane. I made one once, the thing is, the teams get wonky
If, of course, you have differently teamed games.

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We already have multiple battle royales and capture the flags, but the other two sound great!

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I agree with @Cameron_Sharer

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Also, my mini game got a little crazy

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lol They do! I tried making a Minigame Lane INSIDE of my LifeSteal map, and it still is closed off. My LifeSteal map actually has a crafting system, is Cap the Flag, and USED to have a quick chat

Wow. You are fancy. :grinning:

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Also, @LandynSPEEDO802 if you have your answer, please mark a solution to avoid off-topic discussion.

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Thanks! I think we can all agree, though, that our maps are never TRULY done. At least for me, I love to add things to my maps as new guides get posted and GKC gets updated

Aaaaand it looks like Minigame Lane won! Oh, dear… well, I’ll try my best! Please don’t get mad at me if it becomes a big flop like my last guide went

It’s fine. Have fun! And as always, do NOT give up on your maps

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