What is Pseudo-Health and how do I add it?

And I am 13 and play basketball

do you know a kid named Makana?

it acts as if this is a new account be carful because you could be banned for double accounts which is usally done to avoid bans

So… I figured out how to make it so you die when your “Health” reaches 0.
(Sorry it took this long, I was at school until 5:00 for a club, then I had soccer practice, and I just got home)
Materials: (This is after you set up the pseudo-health with the zone) Checker, Lifecycle, and team switcher.




Team switcher

(Also couldn’t you just login to the other account on your home computer???) (Your alt could get banned because we don’t allow alts here, I have no idea why but whatever)

Two things,

  1. I tried to login on my home computer and it said the account was not found. I think my school computer doesn’t let me have the same account out of school
  2. The pseudo health still isn’t working. I need like a video or something
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okay reed heres the thing your school account is funky if you logged in without google just normal it will make you have a diffrent account login with google and youll have another account its easy to double account so just make sure you can figure out how to login to only one

Okay, thks. I’ll try that when I get home

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I will make you a video, but it will take a bit

Okay thank you. How old are you

14, but that is off topic

Video is done

Thanks. What are the settings for the trigger

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The settings are default, you just need to blocks:

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