What is Gimkit Creative?

Good to hear! Make sure to check my top comment about solutions and the tag. By the way codes/links are not allowed here, so don’t post them

Oh, yay! I suggest you do the tutorial first, and then come back on. Also, new users have a 10-reply limit in the first 24 hours, so don’t waste them all.


1 Like

I’m sad. Why did josh make it so i can post only 10? That is not fair. :frowning: Give freedom for new users!!!

It’s to prevent spam.

But i am not a spambot. :frowning:

You have one reply left

It’s just a precaution for new users. If you need to talk, edit the top comment by clicking on the pencil.

You can edit a previous post for now

Oh. :frowning:
I am going to run out of posts. I am sad. My last post :frowning: Also why do you have unlimited posts???

@NavyCatz yes i was invited by lxmas .

I’ve been here for more than 50 days. You’ll get more replies after 24 hours. For now edit your post. Click on the pencil icon.

We are regulars

Don’t worry. Starting from tomorrow, this limit will be gone forever.

welcome to the community @PWAFan!!

The reply limit goes away after 24 hours

Oh, and welcome to the forum!

He is a member, that takes what I beleive is a week

This is where I realize this is @LxmasHasCandy on an alt. You two need to both type at the same time to prove you two are different.


who is???