What if there was a Gim Creator?

What if in the Rewards page, you have the choice to create your own Gim? You could customize what you Gim looks like, then scroll to the bottom to purchase it for however many Gimbucks.

You can suggest this on gimkit.nolt.io

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Agreeing with coolcaden26 but this is actually a really cool game idea.
You could decorate the gim and then see it on a sentry.
And then you could battle it or something.

(New project i dont have space for Unlocked!)

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Like the superhero skin in Fortnite? Interesting idea, but this isn’t the place to suggest, sorry!

Also, welcome back!

Ooh, can I try and make it?

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Sure! I am going to try as well but I will probably give up XD

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Thank you
I just realized this has been suggested before on gimkit.nolt.io

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