What does this mean?

This user is suspended until ___ _, ____ _:__.
Reason: Consumed disproportionate amounts of staff time

reason for asking

gimsolver helped me with a map a while ago and i checked his profile just now and it said this ^

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@StacheIsTaken Consumed disproportionate amounts of staff time so he can’t j0in the forums until a certain date and time in the future

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how does this happen tho^

and what does it mean

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I don’t know what he did exactly (I’m sure someone else would know) but this would be like someone contacting the staff lots of time so they would need to take time away from their job to look at a useless message


oh… ok thx

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This means that they wasted a huge amount of staff time in the forums, like the gimkit mods had to deal with the suspended user by removing lots of posts that aren’t relevant to GKC

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