Device Name | Types of Blocks | Exclusive Blocks |
Trigger | when triggered | N/A |
Damager | on wire pulse, when receiving on channel | Damage Player Amount |
Text | on wire pulse, when receiving on channel | Set text, Set Text Color to |
Notification | on wire pulse, when receiving on channel | Send Notification (Title; Content) |
Questioner | on wire pulse, when receiving on channel, when question incorrect, when question correct. | Set Message Shows when answered corrected/incorrectly |
Inventory Item Manager | When amount of item changes | Get Amount of Current Item |
Knockout Manager | On Knockout | Broadcast message (as knocked out) on channel, Get property as knocked out player, knocked player’s name, Set property (as knocked out) value, Knocked Player’s Team Number, |
Game Overlay | When Receiving on Channel | Set Text |
Player Coordinates | When player position changes | Player’s X Position, Player’s Y Position |
Item Granter | When Receiving on Channel, On Wire Pulse, When Item granted to player | Grant Player Selected Item, Grant Player Selected Item Amount |
Popup | On Wire Pulse, When Receiving on Channel | Set Header, Set Content |
Tag Zone | When player tags someone, When player tagged by someone else | Other player’s name, Other player’s team number |
These are accurate as of 2024-07-22T04:00:00Z