What devices use Blocks, and what kind

Device Name Types of Blocks :sparkles: Exclusive Blocks :sparkles:
Trigger when triggered N/A
Damager on wire pulse, when receiving on channel Damage Player Amount
Text on wire pulse, when receiving on channel Set text, Set Text Color to
Notification on wire pulse, when receiving on channel Send Notification (Title; Content)
Questioner on wire pulse, when receiving on channel, when question incorrect, when question correct. Set Message Shows when answered corrected/incorrectly
Inventory Item Manager When amount of item changes Get Amount of Current Item
Knockout Manager On Knockout Broadcast message (as knocked out) on channel, Get property as knocked out player, knocked player’s name, Set property (as knocked out) value, Knocked Player’s Team Number,
Game Overlay When Receiving on Channel Set Text
Player Coordinates When player position changes Player’s X Position, Player’s Y Position
Item Granter When Receiving on Channel, On Wire Pulse, When Item granted to player Grant Player Selected Item, Grant Player Selected Item Amount
Popup On Wire Pulse, When Receiving on Channel Set Header, Set Content
Tag Zone When player tags someone, When player tagged by someone else Other player’s name, Other player’s team number

These are accurate as of 2024-07-22T04:00:00Z

Tell if I’m missing any and I’ll add them right in!

2 guides in 1 hour, I’m exhausted :yawning_face:


Movement meter

who are you playing with?
there is none for MM
@mysz I manually checked, there is not

I think they meant player coordinates

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there is

@Xenon ah the time has come ive gone mad


Wow. Thx. I’ve been having trouble myself using these devices

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No item granter? :cry:


No popup? :cry:

  • Text all the way
  • Images (like images of the special blocks…)
0 voters

Also Tag Zone is another

bump for a new potential device involving blocks!
(ask @getrithekd)

cool! (more words to send)

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Welcome to the forums @The_dog ! You can use <> around words to hide them by the way.

it worked!

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