What are these jumps called? Vote on post 121

Personally, I would call it a one block jump, as you’re trying to stand on a one block space.


Personally, that doesn’t make sense when the gaps are 2 blocks.

There’s only a one block hole though. A two block hole would make the jump much easier.

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Headhitters right, thats what I think


Okay, lemme clarify.
You wedge yourself between the jumps.
This is how I learned it.
I think Headhitter also might make sense though.

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what about side wedge jump

I still can’t believe I didn’t know about this until recently. I’ve been adding these to all of my games since you gave me that [quite lengthy] bit of feedback for Quest to the Void.

Also, yeah, that’s a wedge:

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Huh. Paradox here. WEDGE OR HEAD???
Pretty sure the original thing you post was a ladder jump.
The second is definitely a head-hitter.
The third image is a “wedge” - -
A complex yet called “simple” machine… It makes you incline and descend and stuff
also good for stopping doors
It also destroys your brain cells (just by thinking about it)

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I thought they were called wedge jumps? I have no proof but that’s just what i’ve heard most people call them.

I always called them neos, since it’s the same concept as Minecraft neos, just turned 90°.

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ok can we just say that they are called head hitters ?
if u want u can search up headhitters and then wegde jumps
then see which one is right,

how does nobody know they are ladder jumps!!! >:(
its the easiest jump to name its in roblox, minecraft, and ect.

you hit your head in a head hitter but in a ladder jump you jump ON the space above the one your on

@suki-moon Correct me if I’m wrong, which I probably am. But how is that jump a head hitter? Not saying your wrong or anything, I’m just curious as to why you think that jump is called a head hitter.


Probably because the terrain above you limited your view or something…idk

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Well I looked up each jump and unfortunately I think they most resemble latter jumps. I’m still not sure if these jumps actually have a name

they do also its ladder not “latter” btw they are called ladder jumps cause i play roblox alot!

Oops! My bad “Ladder” jumps. I think that maybe the gimkit community should come up with their own name for this jump in my opinion atleast

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do you mean ladder flicks/ladder glides? im a jtoh sweat so ik a lot of obby terminology too