What are some art/design guides that people want

I am bored and now that people on the forum have great ideas, so if you know a sort of custom prop that you want made that is not a guide already, let me know, i want to make it.



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An entier mall? like a small building? like the front of it?


Yuppppp a whole mall :smirk:


Five in a row! Try making that. It is theoretically very hard. @WolfTechnology please try and make it.

Color Linez (1998) - MobyGames


… that is a bit much, i asked for custom props, but I can try.

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sure i can try that to.

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Lol sorry it was the first thing that popped into my mind

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You’ll need to make a coordinate system. A next color system. A true false checker property to check for occupied squares. A system a10 - j10


Ok thansk for the tips, beacuse coding is the area i struggle a bit in.

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Your ok, no ideas are bad ideas, unless they are evil ideas.

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A chess board

Is that a guide already?

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You’re welcome. It will be nearly as hard as chess. But it is good practice for coding though. I am going to try and make it.


I don’t belive so, so i can try that aswell.

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True, thanks for the idea.

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It should be a number property since there are 3 states: me, you, and nothing.

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Do a computer? Idk

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i started making a pc, so yeah a computer would be nice.


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