Weird Bug on my map

I was about to continue working on my map when my screen randomly reloaded.
I didn’t think much of it until when I loaded into my map and this happened:
Screenshot 2024-10-18 5.41.23 PM
My character wasn’t visible and all my work was gone. Thank goodness it wasn’t a major thing I was working on. Could someone please explain why this happened?

Did you try refreshing and coming back in?

Yes, I’ve tried doing that multiple times but to no avail.

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Check and see if any problems with this:
Gimkit Status

Any problems in that area?

@BountyHunterX No they are all checked off.

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That’s Weird…

I’m scared if this might happen again and ruin any other project that I’m working on.

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Try contacting
I have no clue what happened.

Should I mark a solution and move on? I’ll come back if it happens again.

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this happened to me before, but without the everything in my map disappeared part.
Have you tried going in and out of the map again?
Are you sure you’re clicking the right map ui button?

I am. All my stuff is just… gone.


Yes, this is probably a wise choice…

Thanks for trying your best, I’ll come back if it happens again! @BountyHunterX


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