Wearing clothes

Can I make it so that when you interact with something you can temporarily have a prop look like clothes?

You could use barriers. It wouldn’t be able to follow you though, without a lot of triggers or zones.

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well…depending on where it is, you could make like @WhereIsMyHat , barriers cover the gim…

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okay. I’ll figure something out. Thanks for the help tho

You could use emojis from textboxes and zones.
:point_right: :tshirt: :point_left:

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The resolved tag isn’t used anymore, please mark a solution.


The resolved tag is only used when a user just goes straight after they get an answer. For instance, when a user leaves straight after they thank someone and leave.

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Yeah wellll….we aren’t really using it now that we got solutions…

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I mean we still mark new topics where an inactive user left since no solution was marked and to make sure people see it’s resolved and won’t reply.


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