Ways you can decorate sentries. (element themed.)

i’m on laptop so i just googled ‘wing emoji copy and paste.’
🪽 this is the one i used

ah yes thank you very much

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Hey I like the poles you put on there

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Please credit this guide as it was made first.


wait, hold on. why cred something i didn’t use? understandable if i took inspiration but the designs listed are original things i designed. (not trying to sound rude at all, just stating a point.)

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Because they made it first. I don’t know, it’s just a sign of respect. People like when you do it, I actually don’t know.

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and when you make a post it finds something similar based on the wording, so it might not show you the right similar post

@speedy_kd4 add frozen sentry plz
Screenshot 2023-12-28 1.31.00 PM
you just get ice emoji and set opacity to .60


ah, i suppose thats fair.

which one should i add next?
  • ghost/dark themed sentry
  • psyhic themed sentry
0 voters

(may or may not have gotten the ideas from pokemnon)

I can do some of the pokemon types
did you see the ice

mhm, i added it

Screenshot 2023-12-29 6.13.43 PM
lol couldn’t think of anything else to put other than a dirty sentry

Poison Gas/Cloud
Screenshot 2023-12-29 6.14.12 PM
Might just be serious B.O.
Can’t be sure


nice, but you might want to remove the word hell to avoid flags

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How bout replace it with anti-heaven or H-E-(Double hockey sticks, wouldn’t show up right on here)

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that would be confusing though

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That word truly isn’t that bad, it just depends on the way of usage.


or massive fireplace
Im working on SS sentry
SS = Super Saiyan

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The power of…


I suppose
samurai sentry

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