Waypoint issues

I have a trigger that tells a waypoint to disable when it is triggered. However, the waypoint will not disable. Here are my settings:


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does the trigger actually trigger?

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Yes, it does. I have a counter increase by one when the trigger goes off and it goes up.

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What are the waypoint settings? Does it track you or someone else?

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It points to it’s location.

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Ok. I don’t know then. If you haven’t distance deactivate on, then maybe the wire can’t override that. I don’t see how that would work though because it would still deactivate.

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Hey there! Is this a new issue just in the last 30-40 minutes or so, or has it been ongoing?


Try using a button or using channels.

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@Jeffo , that is a bug that’s been around before the last update. Player waypoints sometimes refuse to work with wires.


This is a new issue. I placed the waypoint down yesterday and it wouldn’t work, yet the waypoint I have from before the season update still deactivates when I tell it to.

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Thank you, that’s very helpful!


This issue has been fixed by me using channels instead of wires. Thank you all for your help!

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