Was this banned?

So before I left for the summer, people made Help topics like: “I’m making a game! Do you want to design a character/level/stuff like that”. I left for over the summer and was wondering, were they banned while I was gone or is this still allowed?

i did this so i dont think so


Nope! Very much not banned.

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thats good

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like thumbnails or prop art and stuff?
if thumbnails no they arent banned but peeps are working actively to get them banned/reduced
anything else is fine
showcases i believe are allowed to a certain extent
just not straight up advertising however bh is just trying to play things safe as of rn
by being strict and not taking any chances with potentially not allowed thingies


It is not banned; I have 3 recent posts with the same general message of “help design a character/level/etc” and they weren’t flagged or whatnot.


tysm! I need a new project now that Hollow Knight died…

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i love hollow knight


This is banned. I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re not allowed to host your collabs on the forums.

We’re overall talking about character/level/stuff like that ideas not collabs

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That was never specificity banned, but bh made a topic on additional banned stuff. See it below

I highly suggest reading it if you haven’t. It covers important stuff even in editing history

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As long as no game codes are being passed around, it’s fine.


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