|WARNING⚠️| [ ] + 1 for changing properties wont work

psa means “Public service announcement”

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This has happened to me before.

Huh. I had no idea this existed! If Team Gimkit sees this, please add (if able, I know blockly may not support that)

crypto on forums?!?!?!?!

since the start

Should this post be a P.S.A.?
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  • No
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PSA’s are mostly for important forum guides and I don’t think this guide would really fit a psa

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Yeah, that’s what I thought, too. Now let’s get back on-topic.

Wait… I don’t get it. You’re not adding anything, why would the top one work?

The post only came because a few old guides used it.

Oh. That makes sense.

i wonder why this works for some people and not for others

Idk ¯\(ツ)

Did you mean to leave some of the get property ______s empty?

what I mean is in the add part leaving the first input open

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I just interpreted it wrong. Having one part empty will never work.

Not a bug, always has been this way.

never was in bugs