Voting Chat for Among Us?

I’m making an among us game, and I can’t figure out how to do the voting. I mean like, I know how to do the general voting, but I can’t figure out how to let people talk to each other.

There isn’t a solid system to this, the best you can find is to search up among us guides on chat systems. There’s a couple if you look.


@Toothless, did you ever finish that game?

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Also offtopic

Actually, no, I spent most of my time designing some awesome new guides. I might even scratch the whole thing and design something better.

Once you have an idea, stick to it. It may take weeks, it may take months, but as long as there’s a good idea, there’s a possibility.

Okay, voting chat…

Here you go! Just replace it with the actual phrases in Among Us.
Sadly, I don’t think anyone’s created a free chat, because that would involve the keys, and the only keyboard guides that exist take up ALOT of memory.


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