Vote for Sentry

What is the best sentry for a human?[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]

  • Bonesy
  • Captain Buck
  • Chompz Costume
  • Detective Baka
  • Echo Agent
  • Kynami
  • Libre
  • Ozi
  • Raveena
  • Stache
  • Vortex Agent


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Your poll is unfinished. Whoops

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how is this a help? this is more of an opinion

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Ozi is a nice one… but I like stache the most.

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Might wanna fix your poll, but to mimic a human probably the gates, detective baka, or staches.

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I would say either of the agents or Stache.

it really dipennds on what I am playing

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This is somewhat off-topic, but if for like a game, then sure. But yeah, staches is probably the best to like pretend to be a human

staches for me

  • Bonesy
  • Captain Buck
  • Chompz Costume
  • Detective Baka
  • Echo Agent
  • Kynami
  • Libre
  • Ozi
  • Raveena
  • Stache
  • Vortex Agent
0 voters
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I like the Stache Sentry. It’s a good one. I use it when you enter a house, store or anything for my maps! I hope this suggestion helps with your maps, GimNo0b!