Vending Machine Dispearing bug

So the other day, i made a post about this same issue. I was told by WolfTechnology to reset my computer because of this issue. This didn’t work because, when I checked my map today, a lot of my vending machines had gone missing. I have contacted gimkit and will add to this post the next update.

Are they there in the layers menu?


  1. The Refresh Button. ↩︎


I’m getting confused on that part anyway.

Restarting the computer or reloading the map? I’m pretty sure the vending machine comes back after reloading.

Have you worked with anyone else on your project?

Like @FersionSpeedy said, just close your tab and then reopen it.

Like @bluebird291 said, they already restarted/reset their computer. Read the post next time.

I meant to just close Gimkit Creative, then reopen it.
If that does not work then delete all vending machines and replace them.

Shutting the laptop down obviously closes GKC, and that’s just a temporary fix.

i already replaced them multiple times…

(and also gimkit still didn’t respond to my email…)

no, no one has acess to my project rn

It’s probably a server fault, usually happens when there is a lot of traffic or load on the servers which leads to the server not saving your objects when you place them.

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