Valentine day's factory

I’d suggest doing the conveyer belt kinda like this


You could add some fun easter eggs like a the fishtopia section in Snowbrawl

This is a pretty good idea

@UnityHavoc is this good?


You could add a fountain with chocolate with a heart on top. You could do a modern-ish theme, with black, white, red, and pink colours. Add pink carpets in the hallways, etc. If you need anything else, like a certain room idea, I’d be happy to help!

You need to block the code or you will get flagged.

Yeah! looks great so far!

@UnityHavoc here you go…

Yeah block the code, someone has already probably tried to hack you

how should I make a candy heart lake/stream waterfall

water fall pleasehgfhgvhg

try something like this maybe

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k, still more ideas guy’s, i need to make a inter factory, like mabey some room ideas, factory over all design layout, all that stuff. @KingVon1 @Nothing @Coolcaden26 @UnityHavoc @Artemis @evrybody else


make a chocolate fountin that has hearts

create a machine of sorts that creates all the chocolate hearts and letters, basically the core of the whole factory.


Just ping @here

@Mattnosport - Check this out - its great!

Credit to @JasonLeft !


@UnityHavoc, do you know how to make a popup that takes up the whole screen? For the map.

Im not sure how to do that at the moment, let me experiment a bit and ill see what I can do.

That’s sweet