Useful Functions for your Games

Countdown Timer (:red_square:)

  1. Grab a Lifecycle, a Counter and a Repeater.
  2. Do not edit the Lifecycle.
  3. For the Repeater, set the task interval to 1.0. Make the stop strategy after a number of repetitions. Set the number of repetitions to how long you want your timer to count for.
  4. For the Counter, Set the starting value to the time you want your timer to count for.
  5. Wire the Lifecycle to the Repeater and set it to when event occurs, start repeater.
  6. Wire the Repeater to the Counter and set it to " when repeater runs task, decrement counter".

Counting-Up Timer (:orange_square:)

  1. Grab a Lifecycle, a Counter and a Repeater.
  2. Do not edit the Lifecycle.
  3. For the Repeater, set the task interval to 1.0. Make the stop strategy receiving on a channel. This is so the Repeater will not stop.
  4. Set the starting value to 0.
  5. Wire the Lifecycle to the Repeater and set it to when event occurs, start repeater.
  6. Wire the Repeater to the Counter and set it to " when repeater runs task, increment counter".

Doors (:yellow_square:)

  1. Grab a button and a prop.
  2. Make the button not visible in game.
  3. Put the button on the front of the prop.
  4. Wire the button to the prop and set it to “when the button is pressed, hide prop”.

Among Us Emergency Button (:blue_square:)

  1. Get a button, relay and a teleporter.
  2. Wire the button to the relay (when button pressed, trigger relay).
  3. Wire the relay to the teleporter (when relay triggered, teleport player here.
  4. Make the teleporter not visible in game.
  5. Put the teleporter near or on the button.

Gaining Cash from Knockouts (:green_square:)

  1. Just grab a knockout manager!
  2. Turn on “granting items” from the “items” section in the device.
  3. Make the “item to grant” from the “items” section cash.
  4. Change the item amount.

Interact with Props (:yellow_square:)

  1. Grab a prop, wire repeater and a button.
  2. Then, you can get a popup or an item granter.
  3. Edit the button message and make the button not visible in game.
  4. Wire the button to the wire repeater (no changes necessary).
  5. Wire the wire repeater to the button and set it to “deactivate button”.
  6. Edit the item granter’s/popup’s settings.
  7. Wire the button to the popup or item granter.
  8. Remember to make the button at the “above player” layer!!!

Shops (:blue_square:)

  1. Grab a vending machine from the devices section.
  2. Edit the colour, what it costs, and what item it gives.
  3. Make multiple of these.
  4. Decorate your shop with props and blocks.

nice but:


ooh nice guide! Welcome to the forums!

thanks for telling me

@box Please link all the guides about those, there are already so many guides about the things you added. Welcome to the Forums!


Nice guide! I loved the grammar.

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This is a cool idea, nice guide and welcome to the forum!

Nice guide and welcome to the forums, @box!

For a first guide this is really good Good job @box

thanks for the idea ill mabey try it one day

Nice guide but I think the difficulty rating per each function is inflated.

yup, but i don’t think he can edit it/has a very short time to edit this

yea i cant edit it anymore

I could make a seperate wiki so you can have infinite editing time if you want.

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Welcome to the forums, @box !
Make sure to check out new-user-must-read and forum-tips
Nice guide!