Countdown Timer ()
- Grab a Lifecycle, a Counter and a Repeater.
- Do not edit the Lifecycle.
- For the Repeater, set the task interval to 1.0. Make the stop strategy after a number of repetitions. Set the number of repetitions to how long you want your timer to count for.
- For the Counter, Set the starting value to the time you want your timer to count for.
- Wire the Lifecycle to the Repeater and set it to when event occurs, start repeater.
- Wire the Repeater to the Counter and set it to " when repeater runs task, decrement counter".
Counting-Up Timer ()
- Grab a Lifecycle, a Counter and a Repeater.
- Do not edit the Lifecycle.
- For the Repeater, set the task interval to 1.0. Make the stop strategy receiving on a channel. This is so the Repeater will not stop.
- Set the starting value to 0.
- Wire the Lifecycle to the Repeater and set it to when event occurs, start repeater.
- Wire the Repeater to the Counter and set it to " when repeater runs task, increment counter".
Doors ()
- Grab a button and a prop.
- Make the button not visible in game.
- Put the button on the front of the prop.
- Wire the button to the prop and set it to “when the button is pressed, hide prop”.
Among Us Emergency Button ()
- Get a button, relay and a teleporter.
- Wire the button to the relay (when button pressed, trigger relay).
- Wire the relay to the teleporter (when relay triggered, teleport player here.
- Make the teleporter not visible in game.
- Put the teleporter near or on the button.
Gaining Cash from Knockouts ()
- Just grab a knockout manager!
- Turn on “granting items” from the “items” section in the device.
- Make the “item to grant” from the “items” section cash.
- Change the item amount.
Interact with Props ()
- Grab a prop, wire repeater and a button.
- Then, you can get a popup or an item granter.
- Edit the button message and make the button not visible in game.
- Wire the button to the wire repeater (no changes necessary).
- Wire the wire repeater to the button and set it to “deactivate button”.
- Edit the item granter’s/popup’s settings.
- Wire the button to the popup or item granter.
- Remember to make the button at the “above player” layer!!!
Shops ()
- Grab a vending machine from the devices section.
- Edit the colour, what it costs, and what item it gives.
- Make multiple of these.
- Decorate your shop with props and blocks.