Undertale boss map and original attack ideas

I would need popups for that, which stun you.

Edit: I could make the popups on your turn.

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Sans used music! It stunned you!

instead of lasers you could have hidden sentries shooting evil eye bullets to make it look like they are firing from the boss

That’s a really creative idea! A working stunner…

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yeah, but where would the sentries target?
Edit: We put them on lowest accuracy

The only way to do this is to rapid activate and deactviate them, meaning they will rapid fire.

i don’t think we have to hide them…

you know how in some boss games the bullets start from left to right across the screen and you have to dodge them. You could do that but you would have to have low accuracy

yeah. but then it would be more chaos then constructive waves of attack

you could put them under objects around the room but make it so there is no collision so the bullets can pass through

The game is CONTROLED, not based off sentry AI.

when you do that, then the sentries would automatically rise to the top when game starts

I guess that’s true.

anywaays guys, I gtg so BYE BYE

keep this open till tommorow, i wanna keep hlping

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oh, also @L3G3ND happy belated Welcome to Forums message

Triggers? would that work?

Not worth it though, having triggers everywhere.

try this

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dang. i can’t think of anything else that would work

Can everyone stop providing images from the game? I want map ideas now.

Edit: I edited the title, look at that.