Um, I don't know what it is

Xenon are you helping Anonymous or Anonymous helping you?
Because you are forwarding things to him?

they are getting helped but telling what they have in map i think…i think.

tbh, you can use a counter instead, make the counter player scope, increment on lifecycle 2, decrement on lifecycle 1, and update the score property

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It works, but what would it be called?

I don’t think there’s an official name for it?

Hello! Looks like you’ve already found your answer, but I’ll still say what I was thinking anyway.

Place down 2 lifecycles and 1 counter. Make Lifecycle 1’s event ‘Player Knocks out’. Then wire it to the counter (Event occurs → Increment counter). Then make Lifecycle 2’s event ‘Player Knocked out’. Then wire it to the same counter (Event occurs → Decrement counter). This should do what you want, and I don’t think you need a property value.

I don’t know if this is exactly the answer you were looking for, but I hope this still helps!

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