Trying to remake every device in the game!

new post here: Remaking every device in GKC!

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Not to be mean/obvious… but no one can edit.

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wait but its a wiki? and congrats about new user of the week!

Just because it has the tag, doesn’t mean it’s a wiki. You need a TL3 to make a wiki for you.

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so do you know any that wont get angry if i ping them?

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I could make a wiki for you. (Because only TL3 users can create wikis.)

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do you edit it into a wiki or do you copy and paste it into a new topic

I would have to make a new post. (TL3 can only make their post a wiki not others.)

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(BTW) I’m saying this because I eagerly want to edit.


The Atoms of Gimkit Is this what you mean by “making all the Gimkit devices”?


Huh, well, I guess this topic should be deleted and the discussion can continue over there. But this WOULD be a Community Made Guides so… maybe it should stay?

hate to be bearer of cant edit this its not a wiki but
i cant edit this its not a wiki



This seems like everything else nowadays to be art, so it might stay. @clef, I can make a wiki if you want.

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@Theaxolotl is making one i think

I mean, it literally takes like 15 seconds. I make the wiki, you copy + paste this there. If it isn’t made in about a minute, I’ll make one.

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