Trying to make a Save File system. Please help!

Wait, what?! @Cellofive’s back?! :exploding_head:

I can’t believe I’m the first person to see him back lol. :laughing:

Edit: @Cellofive, are you back on for good?

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Okay, thanks for the help. Do I have to give you a credit for code help?

Maybe add a list of people who helped you with the game?

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Okay, I will. You’ll be at the front of the list since otherwise I never would’ve fixed that code. :grin:

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Thanks again. I’ll let this close now. :smile_cat:


@getrithekd, I just found a problem. When you press a button in level 1, you get 100 Digibits, but I found that if you press it after getting back Digibits through the save code, it resets you. How can I fix this?

What do you mean by it resetting you?

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Say I insert 11 into the save code slot, then I get 11K Digibits. But when I press the button that gives me 100 Digibits, I end up with only 100 total Digibits.

You have to spawn them into the level they finished at and you have to grant 11K digibits. It won’t give it to you by itself.


Ohh, okay. Maybe I’ll just skip the Save Code part for now until I finish all of the levels and let you save levels.

Even if you spawn many levels ahead, what’s to stop me getting the same problem, @getrithekd?

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How to Create a Save File For Your Players 235

Community Made Guides


I made a new post at the very bottom of the save file guide about how to do this in a simpler way. Hopefully it helps.


Thanks again, @Shdwy!!! :smile_cat:

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