Triggering Player block not working

I really want to show in a game Overlay to show who has a certain role in a rpg, and it is coded so that when someone presses a button, it connects to a item granter and it runs a block,
"set property P1
value (triggering Player name)
but it does not work. I tried it with almost any device with block ability- item granter, trigger, pop-up, etc. some say it’s a bug.

Is the property a text property? Also, try using a block in the text device and set the text to the player’s name.


How about you give the players a number of seeds at the start of the game, and the number of seeds corresponds to what class they are? Like, link a IIM that tracks seeds to a property. Then, at the start of the game, have everyone run over a trigger with player scope. The trigger should activate a game overlay. In the game overlay block code, you should tell the game overlay to set its content to “Make text(“ Class:”, Get Property [ “Make text ( Get Property “Seed#”, Class). Then, place down one property for every Class you have in the game. They all need to be labeled nClass, where n is a possible amount of seeds that they can get. In the description of the property, put the Class name.